Eco Around is a a community interest company based in London

Covering topics such as climate change, sustainability, plastic pollution, recycling and food waste to name but a few, and giving everyday tips to reduce our environmental impact in a simple and effective way.

We hold eco workshops and events for companies, schools and families where they learn about the environment, current and future issues and how to make a positive change.

We also organise regular litter-pick walks and Climate Fresk workshops to bring our community together.


Photo by Peter Laskowski from Pexels



Friends Jon and Ludo started sharing their own environmental knowledge and habits with passion and enthusiasm with friends, family and acquaintances by starting a blog in summer 2019. Mainly focusing their efforts on what’s going on in the local area where they live: London. The following year we were joined by Ellie, Lina and Sigita who are all keen environmentalists.


Jon teaches English as a foreign language in London for his own company Monty English. He is originally from the Midlands in England now based in north-west London in Willesden Green. He has worked as an English teacher in northern Italy, a brief time in Paris and for the last 9 years in London. Nowadays, he better understands the importance of looking after the planet and people’s  global concerns about the environment. He trained as Climate Fresk facilitator.


He is making gradual changes to become more eco-friendly in his life and doing more research on the subject. Growing his own tomatoes and rocket on his balcony, for instance. He regularly uses his mini solar panel to charge his devices, getting a real buzz from doing his bit!

LUDO: Eco-Conscious Creative

Ludo is an independent Graphic and Web Designer, born and raised in Milan, Italy. She has been living in Brixton, south-west London, Dalston, east London and now she is based in Eltham, south-east.  She facilitates corporate Plastic Fishing workshops for the charity Hubbub and she is a Climate Fresk facilitator. She supports children in learning coding and robotics as a tutor at Engineering Minds at after-school clubs in south-east London.


She consciously applies simple eco habits to her everyday life. For example buying products in bulk without any packaging, having mainly a plant-based diet or ditching single-use pads for periods. Also, using a solid shampoo bar or homemade toothpaste and using a bamboo toothbrush. The last ‘challenge’ she took on was to regrow vegetables from scraps.