Green Greenwich homes: Free support with SELCE

Inspired by the recent Great Big Green Week, I attended a local networking event co-organized by South East London Community Energy-SELCE co-op (SELCE) and Greener Greenwich Community Network. This event offered a fantastic opportunity to green Greenwich homes with local organisers, volunteers, and residents. We shared ideas and visions for a more sustainable future, and I learned all about the fantastic support SELCE offers homeowners.

SELCE helps homeowners in Lewisham and Greenwich with free-cost advice, grant assessments and practical support around things like insulation, heating system upgrades, & solar panels.

Here are some home energy-saving tips & tricks:
Webinars to dive into questions around green, clean energy efficiency solutions for your home, community & planet:

SELCE is a member-led cooperative and they just opened another round for investors until the 30th of September for lighting upgrades in 5 community buildings in Lewisham & Greenwich.

Green Greenwich homes: save energy & reduce your footprint!