Has anyone had a late holiday to the seaside? Ludovica has just come back from Sardinia, the beautiful Italian island. Her friend and guest Erica gave her this useful and colourful reusable thermal eco flask as a gift. Although in the area where they were you can’t drink the tap water but they found some taps close to the beach where they could refill it. They also found many signs there “no smoking, no plastic“. This reusable eco flask was perfect to keep water cold in the sun, such a good present!

The best reusable water bottles
The past couple of years have seen a rise in consciousness around single-use plastic. As of 2017, people bought a million plastic bottles across the globe each minute, with many of these destined for landfill or the ocean rather than the recycling centre. We’re only just coming to terms with the effects this may have.
While many still cling to throwaway bottles, reusable ones are sharply on the rise; their ubiquity on TV hit Love Island brought to the fore their fashion credentials, with trendy brands like Chilly’s leading the way. Water fountains are more common sights in British towns, and supermarkets are being urged to offer water dispensers.
Whether you’re commuting, hiking or at the gym, a reusable water bottle is a handy way of ensuring you get enough water throughout the day while not wasting any plastic. Luckily, they don’t come too pricey, at round £10-30 for a sturdy, durable bottle that should last years.
We tested a wide range on the market, in order to find the best reusable water bottle out there. Here’s what we found…
[information taken from the Telegraph website]