Running around Queen’s Park the other day Jon noticed there is a litter picker that the public can use. They can spend a few minutes or so going around the park picking up litter. Such a great idea! It got him thinking about eco-friendly recycling in London, how to recycle the non-recyclable.
Although when you consider some of the rubbish, can most of it be recycled?
The standard plastic bottles are
Eco campaigner Natalie Fee’s articles on Time Out magazine
Reading a copy of Time Out magazine in a café he noticed eco campaigner Natalie Fee’s (Instagram: nataliefee_) section. Natalie Fee is an environmental campaigner, author

Her articles are about how you can be more green in the city. Any time you pick up the magazine (which is a free weekly magazine – https://distributionmap.timeout.com/london) then take a look at her articles, there are some really useful eco tips in there! And Jon found this:
Eliminating the Idea of Waste® by recycling the “non-recyclable.”
There is a company called Terracycle (https://www.terracycle.com/en-GB/) which provides solutions to companies and individuals in order to recycle your waste. The difference with these guys is that they are Eliminating the Idea of Waste® with eco-friendly recycling not only in London but countrywide, to recycle the “non-recyclable.”

Terracycle offers a wide range of free
In addition to this it is a really useful website in order to find out how you can recycle those harder to recycle things locally. So check it out, well worth a browse through!