So, to reduce her greenhouse gas pollution, the eco-warrior and actress Cate Blanchett has personally decided to:
– Switch her household power supply to an accredited company, GreenPower
– Install a water-efficient showerhead
– Set her washing machine to wash her clothes in cold water
– Check and invest in adequate roof insulation
– Avoid one domestic air flight this year and purchase carbon offsets
– Drive 20 kilometres less each week
– Reduce her household electricity and gas usage by 20%
– Install a solar hot water heater
“I want to see a connected and progressive future for Australia. Where we utilize our greatest natural resources; sun, wind and brainpower.”
As an eco-warrior “Cate Blanchett is Ambassador for the Australian Conservation
“For Cate Blanchett, climate change is an issue that is very close to home – literally. For instance, the movie star turned eco-warrior, has recently bought a plot of land in Vanuatu. This is one of the countries hardest hit by global warming. In other words, rising sea levels caused the evacuation of an entire village in the Pacific island nation in 2005. Therefore, this was the first time climate change has displaced an entire community.”
So, if you have a favourite actor then see what they are doing to help the planet. Above all, we need more high-profile names to lend their support to our cause.